The Huawei Watch 2 looks like it’s going to be the next heavy-hitter to break out from Google’s Android Wear Smartwatch stable. The sequel with updated Android Wear 2.0 operating system, looks to be a lot sportier than its predecessors. The Chinese company’s android wear focuses on making it very sporty with a textured rubber strap and diver style bezel. It looks a lot like LG G Watch R.
The Huawei Watch 2 looks like it’s going to be the next heavy-hitter to break out from Google’s Android Wear Smartwatch stable. The sequel with updated Android Wear 2.0 operating system, looks to be a lot sportier than its predecessors. The Chinese company’s android wear focuses on making it very sporty with a textured rubber strap and diver style bezel. It looks a lot like LG G Watch R. Huawei Watch 2 will offer cellular connectivity. The nano-sim slot is built into the lug of the device at the bottom-end of the watch face. Cellular connectivity was added as an option in the 2016 Android Wear update, but it’s clear that Wear 2 will make the inclusion of a 4G radio on your wrist more common. Huawei is expected to formally announce the Watch 2 alongside their P10 smartphone at Mobile World Congress next week.